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Wall Runner

6.269 Triangles
4.220 Triangles
  • Blender
  • Substance 3D Painter
  • Substance Designer
  • Unity
  • Character Creator
  • Premier Pro
Idea of the project basically a woman wall runs holding a rope around a infinite tower. I used Character Creator 3 to have a base mesh and not lost time with faces of the characters. Then i modelled the cloths and armors and did the retopology. Textured them in Substance Painter. Used Substance Designer for the wall texture.
Diffuse / Height / Normal / Roughness textures of the woman Made in Substance Painter
Normal / Diffuse / Roughness / Metallic textures of the man Made in Substance Painter
We went back and forth between having the tower as a circular mesh or a simple texture animated with uv and multiplied time nodes in Unity so we could use Curved World shader to give illusion of infinite tower.
I thought having separate texture sets was unnecessary for the enemy and the props. So baked them together in Blender.
Node tree of the walls in Substance Designer
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