Hold The Line
- Unity
- Spine 2D
- Amplify Editor
- DaVinci Resolve
- Blender
- Creatives animated and rendered with Unity.
- Characters, title cards and environment rigged and animated in spine 2D
- Half of the animations were made by me and other by Muhammed Tüylüoğlu, for Jollify Games.
- All VFX made with Unity Particle System
- End card and editing made in DaVinci Resolve
- Since this ad has too many characters and would be difficult to animate, I replicated simple game mechanics by adding triggers to animations in Spine 2D, adding colliders to the particles & characters, and with a simple script that detects the collision, kills the enemies and plays the death particle effects.
- I also created additional VFX like the placement effect or the big bosses attack for the creatives, not limiting myself to the effects I created for the game.